Saturday, July 9, 2011

Is It Too Much To Ask?

Showing my support for the Bersih campaign for clean and fair election in Malaysia.

Malaysia is currently experiencing a major political turmoil regarding the right to free speech and assembly. Bersih is a coalition of Malaysian opposition political parties and NGO that had been advocating electoral reforms. Just this morning, Malaysians participated in the "Walk for Democracy" rally to upheld their rights as citizens. But the government had declared that such rallies are considered acts of treason to the country. The prime minister subsequently authorized the use of violence including the release of tear gas to silence and disperse rally members. On top of that, the government even banned the color yellow as it symbolizes the Bersih campaign. Some law enforcers even arrested people wearing yellow t-shirts.

I feel very proud that Malaysians of all background and races can come together as one and stand up to what they believe in despite the immense threats to their lives. I'll be praying for those who had been affected by the violence in the rallies.

Here's a funny picture of Mr. Bean that I saw on facebook, hilarious!


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