Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Webcam Woes

I made a mistake while shopping for laptops. I bought one without testing the webcam!!!
How on earth can I forget such an important feature???

And so, the webcam turned out to be super crappy...
I don't mind that its blurry, the main problem was the lighting is super dark.
Even if I switched on every light in my room, the pictures still look really dark.

Oh, well...

BTW, my laptop is Toshiba Portege.

I have to edit all of these pictures just so you can see my face!

Without editing will look like this.

See how dark it is?

I've learnt a valuable lesson now. Always check the webcam first before buying a laptop!


  1. sorry about that but probably your laptop is so durable and you'll only find that out through the test of time. ;) you are very pretty! I followed you already, please follow me too. :) thanks!

  2. thanx! followed ur blog already ^^

  3. Hiya lovely! Just passing by (again~ hehe love your blog!)

    But yeah, I might be able to help with your wbcam quality here, cause mine did the same (but its a Dell)

    Did the webcam come with a program which allow you to take photo's? If it does then it should have some settings which allow you to adjust brightness/contrast.

    If the photo is coming out too dark; try and play around with upping the brightness and lowering the contrast.

    Also; another thing to note is that, I've noticed a lot of in-built webcams quality are not that great anyway (like mine) but if you go to a place with bright natural sunlight; it normally tends to wash out the darkness really nicely (a lot of my pictures on my blog are done like that).

    Anyway, I hope this helps. Let me know how it goes :] Xx

  4. the sunlight tip really helped! thanx! playing around with it now to search for the perfect lighting! hehe ;)



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